Sunday, 26 January 2014

John Scanlan died 12th December 1919

I've just updated the article I did earlier this month after a visit to the Local Studies library. I assumed that it was a weapon that killed John but it was in fact a bullet from a German magazine clip, 

And the question is and no-one can really answer it - was John the last man from Sheffield to be shot by a German bullet from the Great War?

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Willam Thompson Smout

And following on from the last article I have eventually found a photo of William Smout

Sheffield Daily Independent 22nd September 1916

Private Smout features in an article on the site

A Dastardly Outrage - 13th December 1919 High Melton

I went down to the Local Studies Library In Sheffield today, to research a few articles. And just below one report was this small cutting from the Sheffield Daily Independent dated 13th December 1919

It was undoubtedly a savage assault but what struck me was the fact that Ada's husband had been killed in the war. To have had to go through his death and then be subject to this reprehensible attack does make you question the human condition.

I have been unable to find details of Ada's husband on the CWGC site but there is a BMD record of an ADA WINTERSGILL dying in the September quarter of 1960 aged 80. The district where the death was registered was Don Valley (Volume 2B Page 377)  

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Update - WW1

Well first may I wish my reader(s) peace and prosperity in the new year.

I've managed to publish a few articles to the site over the Xmas period, that are primarily based on the First World War
 - the Wrigley Family
- Clement Kendrick
- Second Lieut Edward Durnan

the last two articles require a bit more research to round them off. the most pressing is finding the action in which Edward and George Bonsall lost their life's. I even had the standard text on the 14th Yorks and Lancs here in the house - Barnsley PalsThe 13th & 14th Battalions York & Lancaster Regiment by John Cooksey but there is no mention of Edward apart from recording the date of his death.