Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Gas Masks and Window Masking - Public Information

In the light of recent events in Syria, and the reponse of the international "community", I thought that this would be an appropiate time to remind readers of the procedures to adopt. The last time the British were threatened by a chemical attack the government published this advice in the form of a public information leaflet

Sadly to date the coalition government have issued no advice about what the public should do in the event of an gas attack. A sign of the times!.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Shocking Xylonite Fire at Netherthorpe Sheffield December 1921

Continuing with a theme of industrial tragedies, I have just posted another article to the site concerning a fire in Netherthorpe Sheffield - 14th December 1921 - which claimed four victims including a father and son. The son who died in the tragedy, Thomas Clark left a widow and seven children, with no means of support - an indication of how precarious life was for a worker's family in the 1920's

Sudbury Street 2000
Sudbury Street 2012

The fire took place at the Progress Works in Sudbury Street Netherthorpe. The works were demolished many years ago, and I have been unable to date to locate a photo of the place. Two points are worth mentioning - the first is that this tragedy was just around the corner from the site of the Sheffield Boiler Explosion of 1899. (see earlier blog) in which 7 workers lost their lives. And the second point is that I have been able to locate the graves of all 4 victims of the Sudbury Street fire

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Sheffield Boiler Explosion - 1st November 1899

I've eventually posted an article to the site that has been has been in the "digital in-tray" for nigh on two years.

The article on the boiler explosion and subsequent inquest appears in our first book but I have been able to expand it to incorporate additional information.The article also ties in with the tragedy at Daniel Doncasters that occurred 13 years earlier in August 1886.

The site of Messrs Southern and Richardson, Doncaster Street, with Shepherd Street in the background and Ellis Street in the foreground.
The current building, now out of use and boarded up, was most recently occupied by toolmakers Record Ridgeway (photograph 2012)