Monday 25 April 2016

The Don Brewery Sheffield - An Update

A reader of the site came across an article that I posted many years ago. It recalled the death of Isaac Hornsey in June 1900 who was overcome by ammonia fumes at the brewery and died as a result. This additional information in many ways compliments the article. A big thanks to the reader!

I note your website has a piece on the now-demolished Don Brewery which stood at the corner of Penistone Rd/Green Lane/Shalesmoor. I know your focus is the 1900 Death by Ammonia Fumes story. However, you might find the information below useful or at least interesting.

Looking for something else, I came across a book called Amber Gold & Black (2010) by a chap called Martyn 

In the Barley Wine & Old Ale chapter, there’s a reference (p166) to Don Brewery’s Old Tom, a strong beer favoured by grinders, it seems. Hardly surprising that this particular trade took to strong ale.

Although there’s no Sheffield connection, I have to say the OBJ tickled me. Ditto Old Tom’s Grandfather.

Whilst delving into Amber Gold & Black you might also be interested in this more general Sheffield reference (p167). The specifics are new to me, but the general hardly surprises.

You may know that there’s a bit of H J Dearden’s High House brewery still standing at the bottom of Burton St, close to the old Capel St School (now the Burton St Foundation). Below you can see the remains of the brewery’s smoke stack.

Back to A H Smith’s Don brewery, it’s good to see a bit of it preserved. Well, not the actual brewery, but its warehouse/stores which sat between Infirmary Rd and Penistone Rd, just below St Philip’s church. You may recall the building.

1905 OS.Map

1.    Don Brewery main site.
2.    Don Brewery stores.

Above: 1985, just before the end of the warehouse/stores. Penistone Rd/front of stores; rear entrance was on Infirmary Rd opposite the (bottom) Wellington pub.

Below a picture I took the other day.

The term warehouse hardly does Wine Spirit & Cigar Stores justice, does it? Bet the smell was wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. A truly great collection of memorabilia - thanks . Alfred Harrison Smith was the Uncle of my Father-in-law , Ailric Mackenzie Smith, the son of David Thurston Smith of Barnes Hall . Although my Father-in-laws family moved to Loch Avich Estate , Argyll , the Sheffield history of the extended family makes for a most interesting collection of stories for my Grandchildren.
